Uses of Class

Packages that use xBaseJException

Uses of xBaseJException in org.xBaseJ

Methods in org.xBaseJ that throw xBaseJException
 String Message.getField(String ID)
 String Message.getField(int pos)
 byte[] DBT_iv.readBytes(byte[] input)
 byte[] DBT_iv.write(String value, int originalSize, boolean write, byte[] originalPos)
 byte[] DBT_iii.readBytes(byte[] input)
 byte[] DBT_iii.write(String value, int originalSize, boolean write, byte[] originalPos)
 byte[] DBT_fpt.readBytes(byte[] input)
 byte[] DBT_fpt.write(String value, int originalSize, boolean write, byte[] originalPos)
 byte[] DBT_fpt.write(byte[] inBytes, int originalSize, boolean write, byte[] originalPos)
abstract  byte[] DBTFile.readBytes(byte[] input)
abstract  byte[] DBTFile.write(String value, int originalSize, boolean write, byte[] originalPos)
 void DBF.addField(Field aField)
          adds a new Field to a database
 void DBF.addField(Field[] aField)
          adds an array of new Fields to a database
 void DBF.lock()
          locks the entire database
will try 5 times within the fileLockTimeOut specified in fileLockTimeOut, default 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)
 void DBF.lockRecord()
          locks the current record, exclusively
will try 5 times within the fileLockTimeOut specified in fileLockTimeOut, default 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)
 void DBF.lockRecord(int recno)
          locks a particular record, exclusively
will try 5 times within the fileLockTimeOut specified in fileLockTimeOut, default 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)
 void DBF.dropField(Field aField)
          removes a Field from a database NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
 void DBF.changeField(Field oldField, Field newField)
          changes a Field in a database NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED
 Index DBF.getIndex(int indexPosition)
          gets an Index object associated with the database.
 Index DBF.useIndex(String filename)
          opens an Index file associated with the database.
 Index DBF.useIndex(String filename, String ID)
          opens an Index file associated with the database
 Index DBF.useIndex(Index ndx)
          used to indicate the primary Index
 Index DBF.useIndexByID(String ID)
          used to indicate the primary Index.
 Index DBF.useTag(String tagname)
          associates all Index operations with an existing tag.
 Index DBF.useTag(String tagname, String ID)
          associates all Index operations with an existing tag.
 Index DBF.createIndex(String filename, String index, boolean unique)
          creates a new Index as a NDX file, assumes NDX file does not exist.
 Index DBF.createIndex(String filename, String index, boolean destroy, boolean unique)
          creates a new Index as a NDX file.
 Index DBF.createTag(String tagname, String tagIndex, boolean unique)
          creates a tag in the MDX file.
 boolean DBF.find(String keyString, boolean lock)
          used to find a record with an equal or greater string value.
 boolean DBF.find(String keyString)
          used to find a record with an equal or greater string value.
 boolean DBF.find(String keyString, int recno, boolean lock)
          used to find a record with an equal and at the particular record.
 boolean DBF.find(String keyString, int recno)
          used to find a record with an equal and at the particular record.
 boolean DBF.findExact(String keyString, boolean lock)
          used to find a record with an equal string value.
 boolean DBF.findExact(String keyString)
          used to find a record with an equal string value.
 void DBF.findNext(boolean lock)
          used to get the next record in the index list.
 void DBF.findNext()
          used to get the next record in the index list.
 void DBF.findPrev(boolean lock)
          used to get the previous record in the index list.
 void DBF.findPrev()
          used to get the previous record in the index list.
 void lock)
          used to read the next record, after the current record pointer, in the database.
          used to read the next record, after the current record pointer, in the database.
 void DBF.readPrev(boolean lock)
          used to read the previous record, before the current record pointer, in the database.
 void DBF.readPrev()
          used to read the previous record, before the current record pointer, in the database.
 void DBF.gotoRecord(int recno, boolean lock)
          used to read a record at a particular place in the database.
 void DBF.gotoRecord(int recno)
          used to read a record at a particular place in the database.
 void DBF.startTop()
          used to position record pointer at the first record or index in the database.
 void DBF.startBottom()
          used to position record pointer at the last record or index in the database.
 void DBF.write(boolean lock)
          used to write a new record in the database.
 void DBF.write()
          used to write a new record in the database.
 void DBF.update(boolean lock)
          updates the record at the current position.
 void DBF.update()
          updates the record at the current position.
 void DBF.delete()
          marks the current records as deleted.
 void DBF.undelete()
          marks the current records as not deleted.
 Field DBF.getField(int i)
          returns a Field object by its relative position.
 Field DBF.getField(String name)
          returns a Field object by its name in the database.
 void DBF.pack()
          packs a DBF by removing deleted records and memo fields.
 File DBF.getXML(String inFileName)
          generates an xml string representation using xbase.dtd
 void DBF.getXML(PrintWriter pw)
          generates an xml string representation using xbase.dtd

Constructors in org.xBaseJ that throw xBaseJException
Message(DataInputStream InStream)
          creates a message class used by the client/server objects
DBT_iv(DBF iDBF, boolean readOnly)
DBT_iv(DBF iDBF, String name, boolean destroy)
DBT_iii(DBF iDBF, boolean readOnly)
DBT_iii(DBF iDBF, String name, boolean destroy)
DBT_fpt(DBF iDBF, boolean readOnly)
DBT_fpt(DBF iDBF, String name, boolean destroy)
DBTFile(DBF iDBF, boolean readonly, int type)
DBTFile(DBF iDBF, String name, boolean destroy, int type)
DBF(String DBFname, boolean destroy)
          creates a new DBF file or replaces an existing database file, w/o format assumes dbaseiii file format.
DBF(String DBFname, int format, boolean destroy)
          creates a new DBF file or replaces an existing database file.
DBF(String DBFname, char readOnly)
          creates an DBF object and opens existing database file in readonly mode.
DBF(String DBFname)
          creates an DBF object and opens existing database file in read/write mode.
DBF(String DBFname, boolean destroy, String inEncodeType)
          creates a new DBF file or replaces an existing database file, w/o format assumes dbaseiii file format.
DBF(String DBFname, int format, boolean destroy, String inEncodeType)
          creates a new DBF file or replaces an existing database file.
DBF(String DBFname, char readOnly, String inEncodeType)
          creates an DBF object and opens existing database file in readonly mode.
DBF(String DBFname, String inEncodeType)
          creates an DBF object and opens existing database file in read/write mode.

Uses of xBaseJException in org.xBaseJ.fields

Methods in org.xBaseJ.fields that throw xBaseJException
 void PictureField.put(String invalue)
          sets the contents of the picture Field, variant of the field.put method data not written into DBF until an update or write is issued.
 void PictureField.put(byte[] inBytes)
          sets the contents of the picture Field, variant of the field.put method data not written into DBF until an update or write is issued.
 void PictureField.write()
 void PictureField.update()
 void NumField.put(String inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void NumField.put(long inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void NumField.put(int inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void NumField.put(float inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void NumField.put(double inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void MemoField.put(byte[] inBytes)
          sets the contents of the memo Field, variant of the field.put method data not written into DBF until an update or write is issued.
 void MemoField.write()
 void MemoField.update()
 void LogicalField.put(String inValue)
          allows input of Y, y, T, t and 1 for true, N, n, F, f, and 0 for false
 void LogicalField.put(char inValue)
          allows input of Y, y, T, t and 1 for true, N, n, F, f, and 0 for false
 void FloatField.put(String inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void FloatField.put(long inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void FloatField.put(int inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void FloatField.put(float inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void FloatField.put(double inValue)
          sets the field contents.
 void Field.setField(String iName, int iLength, java.nio.ByteBuffer inbuffer)
 char Field.getType()
 void Field.write()
 void Field.update()
 void Field.put(String inValue)
          set field contents, no database updates until a DBF update or write is issued
 void Field.put(byte[] inValue)
          set field contents with binary data, no database updates until a DBF update or write is issued if inValue is too short buffer is filled with binary zeros.
 void DateField.put(String inValue)
          sets field contents by a String parameter.
 void DateField.put(Date inValue)
          sets field contents by a Java Date object.
 void DateField.put(Calendar inValue)
          sets field contents by a Java Calendar object.
 void DateField.put(long inValue)
          sets field contents by a long value
 int DateField.compareTo(Calendar compareThis)
          public method for comparing a Java Calendar object.
 Calendar DateField.getCalendar()
          public method for returing the date field in a Java Calendar object.
 String DateField.get(int field)
          public method for getting individual field values
 void DateField.set(int field, int value)
          public method for setting individual field values

Constructors in org.xBaseJ.fields that throw xBaseJException
PictureField(String Name, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer, DBTFile indbtobj)
PictureField(String iName)
          public method for creating a picture field object.
NumField(String iName, int iLength, int idecPosition, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer)
NumField(String iName, int iLength, int inDecPosition)
          public method for creating a numeric field object.
MemoField(String Name, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer, DBTFile indbtobj)
MemoField(String iName)
          public method for creating a memo field object.
MemoField(String iName, boolean inFoxPro)
          public method for creating a FoxPro memo field object.
LogicalField(String iName, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer)
LogicalField(String iName)
          public method for creating a LogicalField object.
FloatField(String iName, int iLength, int DecPoint, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer)
FloatField(String iName, int iLength, int DecPoint)
          public method for creating a numeric field object.
DateField(String iName, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer)
DateField(String iName)
          public method for creating a DateField object.
CharField(String iName, int iLength, java.nio.ByteBuffer inBuffer)
CharField(String iName, int iLength)
          public method for creating a CharacterField object.

Uses of xBaseJException in org.xBaseJ.indexes

Methods in org.xBaseJ.indexes that throw xBaseJException
 void Node.set_record_number(int r)
 void Node.write()
 void Node.set_prev_page(int t)
 int NDX.find_entry(NodeKey findKey)
 int NDX.find_entry(NodeKey findKey, int rec)
 int NDX.find_entry(NodeKey findKey, Node aNode, int findrec)
 void NDX.bIndex()
 void NDX.reIndex2()
 void NDX.reIndex()
 int NDX.add_entry(NodeKey NDXkey, int recno)
 void NDX.del_entry(Node inNode)
 int NDX.get_next_key()
 int NDX.get_prev_key()
 void MNode.write()
 MDX MDXFile.getMDX(String Name)
 MDX MDXFile.createTag(String Name, String Index, boolean unique)
 void MDXFile.reIndex()
 void MDX.reIndex()
 int MDX.find_entry(NodeKey findKey)
 int MDX.find_entry(NodeKey findKey, int rec)
 int MDX.find_entry(NodeKey findKey, MNode aNode, int findrec)
 int MDX.get_next_key()
 int MDX.get_prev_key()
 int MDX.add_entry(NodeKey NDXkey, int recno)
 void MDX.del_entry(Node inNode)
 boolean Index.compareKey(String keyToCompare)
abstract  int Index.add_entry(NodeKey key, int recno)
 int Index.add_entry(int recno)
abstract  int Index.find_entry(NodeKey key)
abstract  int Index.find_entry(NodeKey key, int recno)
 int Index.find_entry(String key)
 int Index.find_entry(String key, int recno)
abstract  int Index.get_next_key()
abstract  int Index.get_prev_key()
abstract  void Index.del_entry(Node inNode)
abstract  void Index.reIndex()
 void Index.check_for_duplicates(int count)
 String Index.buildKey()
 NodeKey Index.build_key()
 void Index.update(int recno)
 void Index.position_at_first()
 void Index.position_at_last()

Constructors in org.xBaseJ.indexes that throw xBaseJException
NDX(String filename, DBF indatabase, char readonly)
NDX(String name, String NDXString, DBF indatabase, boolean destroy, boolean unique)
          creates a NDX object and NDX file
MDXFile(String Name, DBF inDBF, char readonly)
MDX(MDXFile ifile, DBF iDBF, short ipos)
MDX(String iname, String NDXString, DBF iDBF, MDXFile ifile, TagDescriptor inTagDesc, short pos, boolean unique)

Uses of xBaseJException in org.xBaseJ.test

Methods in org.xBaseJ.test that throw xBaseJException
 void MissingMDX.testMissingMDX()
 void MissingMDX.testSetPropertyMissingMDXTrue()
 void MissingMDX.testSetPropertyMissingMDXFalse()

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