Element | Parent Node or Attribute | Contents | Description |
(properties?, server, database, (to | cc | bcc), from, subject, text, attachFile?)> | |||
file | name of file that messages are written, use for debugging | defaults to system console file. | |
runType | parse | test | send | parse - runs only parse step, test - runs through database but does not generate mail send - runs and sends the messages | |
properties, optional | |||
filename | any properties file | to load variable data to be used by application | |
server | e-mail server id | enter the name of the e-mail server here may be passed through run time argument -Dserver= | |
userid | user id associated with e-mail server | may be passed through run time argument -Duserid= | |
password | password associated with user id | may be passed through run time argument -Dpassword= | |
database | ((index|tag)?,(filter)*) | ||
id | id to associate variables | ||
filename | name of dbf file | REQUIRED | |
skipDeleted | Y | N | T | F | ignore records marked deleted, default is "Y" | |
index, optional | database | name of index file associated with database file | |
filename | name of ndx file | REQUIRED | |
startAt | string to start the search on | if not used starts at the first indexed record | |
endAt | string to stop processing at | if not used goes to end of index | |
tag, optional | database | name of a tag in a mdx file | |
name | tag name in mdx file | REQUIRED | |
startAt | string to start the search on | if not used starts at the first indexed record | |
endAt | string to stop processing at | if not used goes to end of index | |
filter, optional, one or more | database | ( (fieldtest|filter), ((and | or ),(fieldtest|filter))? | By using a filter within a filter you generate a bracketing of test logic.
If the filter logic is true the current record is skipped. |
fieldtest, optional, one or more | filter | no data used | |
compare | value or variable to compare against | REQUIRED | |
operator | LT | LE | EQ | NE | GT | GE | REQUIRED | |
to | value or variable to compare against | REQUIRED | |
and | filter | no data used | |
or | filter | no data used | |
to | e-mail id mail is sent to | ||
cc | e-mail id mail is sent to using the cc mail attribute | ||
bcc | e-mail id mail is sent to using the cc mail attribute | ||
from | sending e-mail id | ||
subject | text for subject line | ||
text | message text | ||
dateFormat | String specifying how date fields are to be formatted | Uses the Java SimpleDateFormat method Time portion of date formatting is not used. | |
attachFile, optional | name of file to attach to e-mail | ||
filename | name of the file to attach | REQUIRED |